Tomcat 8 admin console
Tomcat 8 admin console


  • Docs - Holds the doc pages of Apache and also hold version information.
  • If there is a need to do remote deployment of applications then make sure you secure this application by following guidance from Apache on the docs page, otherwise it should be deleted. Its also frequently used by attackers to gain access to the host, in general because of weak security configuration and credentials.
  • Manager - Not accessible by default (no users configured), it is used to remotely deploy web applications.
  • If you need this application on your Tomcat instance, please review the official documentation to secure it.
  • Host Manager - This application is not accessible by default as no users are configured with the necessary access, and is used to create and manage virtual hosts.
  • Examples - Used to gather informations about the system and other applications, it is strongly recommended to be deleted.
  • This is typically not needed and should be deleted.
  • ROOT - This is the default Tomcat application when going to showing that Tomcat "is running".
  • Here is a brief summary of what these applications are and why they can be removed. Tomcat deploys by default a set of applications that have different purposes for Tomcat, but that are typically of no use for BMC applications. We'll start by removing these default applications and get Tomcat into secure TLS mode (Remember? SSL is deprecated!). The default tomcat is configured in none SSL/TLS mode (plain text HTTP), and also includes defaults applications, An attacker could use these applications to gain access to other portions of the system.


    The default install is not secured and must be reviewed, especially if the instance is accessible over the web. Tomcat Out Of the Boxīy default tomcat can be deployed very quickly to start publishing web applications. It is important that these configuration changes are tested before making them in a live production system. What works well for one environment will not necessarily work for another. This portion is going to be determined by many factors, mainly to do with a particular environment. Locking down a Tomcat server is a balancing act: We don't want to overdo the securing to a point where users experience a slowdown in performance, or not able to access the applications altogether. It is evidently important to run an up to date version of your BMC products! Make sure to check for compatibility with BMC products using the Compatibility Matrix. Use the latest supported versions of Tomcat and Java. Tomcat hardening and secure configuration How the application works is most often independent from how the web server ant the Tomcat server are working. The web server receives the client's request, forwards it to the application, receives the response from the application, and finally forwards it to the client.Īt high level, it is crucially important to understand this architecture. That Servlet generates all the output in a Response object, and Tomcat sends this back as a response.Ī typical example, with a Web application, using Tomcat and the Apache web server: Tomcat receives a request, parses it into a Request object, and calls the Servlet.


    With Java, there are some small pieces of code to serve application requests, without having to worry about how the underlying protocol works (requests/responses in HTTP, FTP, SMTP or others). At its core, Apache Tomcat is an open source servlet and JSP container.

    Tomcat 8 admin console